It may sound completely cheesy – and I know I’m the writer so should not be the one using cliches – but I feel so wonderfully overwhelmed by the group of amazing friends that came out for my book launch party. It was so special to share this project that has been so important to me over the last four years with people who seemed so genuinely interested and excited about it with me. Of course, it isn’t about the numbers – my goal for the evening wasn’t that it be a huge media frenzy, but to have such a full and diverse group of people come out to support me made me feel absolutely blessed.
I can’t be a writer without readers – and I’m finding the early development of this dynamic so exciting. Getting feedback from those who have read the Advanced Reader copies and taken the time to respond with the parts they liked or felt drawn in by or learned something from has been so much fun. It is a really amazing relationship.
ok. I’ll be honest – I’m a little brain-fried after everything – I’ve let a lot of the little things go this weekend as I recovered from all the house-guests and social paraphernalia this weekend. But I’m feeling equally so energized to get on with the sequel. Let’s keep writing!